About us
The Board of 2024/2025

Andras 'Rush' Gacsbaranyi


My name is Rush, and much like rush hour traffic, I’m always juggling a million things at once! Now serving as Chair of the board, my days are packed, but I thrive in that kind of energy. While gymnastics has never been my thing, I love the sense of freedom Parkour gives me—perfect for someone always on the move.

I’m originally from Hungary, studied physics in Germany, and made my way to Amsterdam in 2023. Alongside my PhD work, I’ve taught Trampoline and Parkour to kids and adults, which keeps me active. On top of that, I’ve discovered that I enjoy the management side of things in my PhD, which makes the Chair role a perfect match for me.

Outside of all this, I have a passion for photography! If you ever have a fun idea for a photoshoot, feel free to reach out. And of course, STAH has become my favorite place to dive into Dutch culture and make new friends along the way!

Inès Bentin 

I am Inès, a second year bachelor Student at AUC. After moving to Amsterdam from France last year, finding STAH has been the confirmation that I could belong here. Not only allowing me to continue the gymnastics I had been doing, STAH has became my safe place and made me meet the most amazing people!

On the side, I am also in the Board of a performing arts association : I love working behing the curtains. This is why I am excited to do some more work behind the scens as secretary this year!

Luca Fung-A-Jou

My name is Luca, I am 24 and a proud member of STAH for one and a half years. During my time at STAH I made great friends, went on amazing trips and had so much fun at all the trainings. Because of this I am very excited to give back to the association and take over the position of treasurer. 

When I am not at training or sending people tikkies I am busy with finishing my health sciences bachelor, hanging out with friends or hunting vintage treasures. Besides this I enjoy going to concerts or festivals, reading, hiking and photography.

Jesse Lemsom
Internal/ External Commisioner

Hello there, I am Jesse. As a 26 year old Clinical Psychology masterstudent I joined the board as a sign of appreciation to this wonderful association and all its members. During Corona-times I found myself looking for a motivating environment to sport and when I stumbled upon STAH I knew I found it. Since then I met so many warm and accepting people, who I look forward to hang out with every time. 

Currently I am doing my internship, which is a lot of work and exactly what I want to do with my time. I spent my evenings at training, meetings with the board or relaxing on the couch with my boyfriend. My weekends I spent recovering from the week or from the evening before. I love playing board games, (in-line) skating, my switch and camping in my tiny, old van (Susu).

I am looking forward to all the competitions, parties, trainings and, especially, to talking to all of you there. I hope you enjoy all my posts and feel free to message me!

In the season of 2017-2018 STAH was founded by Jaana Kaismo, Kimberley Thomas, and Noémie Monteiro. STAH is the first student gymnastics association from Amsterdam and we are very proud of this fact. These three showed a lot of dedication and persistence and were able to officially get STAH registered as association at the Kamer van Koophandel on the 27th of March 2018. 

In het seizoen 2017-2018 is STAH opgericht door Jaana Kaismo, Kimberley Thomas en Noémie Monteiro. STAH is de eerste Amsterdamse studenten turnvereniging en daar zijn wij erg trots op. Deze drie toppers hebben binnen een jaar veel inzet getoond en een succesvolle vereniging opgezet. STAH is sinds 
27 maart 2018 officieel ingeschreven als vereniging bij Kamer van Koophandel. 

Bestuur 7
Bestuursjaren: 2024-2025

Voorzitter: Andras 'Rush' Gacsbaranyi
Secretaris: Inès Bentin
Penningmeester: Luca Fung-A-Jou
Commissaris intern/extern: Jesse Lemsom

Bestuur 6
Bestuursjaren: 2022-2023 

Voorzitter: Samantha Belderbos
Secretaris: Andras 'Rush' Gacsbaranyi
Penningmeester: Joffrey Straub 
Commissaris internal: Pim Schouten 

Commissaris extern: Aron Whitehead 

Bestuur 5
Bestuursjaren: 2022-2023

Voorzitter: Maximilian Smécz
Secretaris: Samantha Belderbos
Penningmeester: Nathan de Bruin
Commissaris intern/extern: Jelke Hoogzaad
Commissaris Wedstrijd: Hannah Min

Bestuur 4
Bestuursjaren: 2021-2022 

Voorzitter: Cinzia Hooijer
Secretaris: Charlotte Jansen
Penningmeester: Ruben van Erp
Commissaris intern/extern: Kadri-Liis Tammearu

Commissaris extern: Laura Cornet

Bestuur 3 

Bestuursjaar: 2020-2021

Voorzitter: Rowanna van den Bosch
Secretaris: Ruben van Erp
Penningmeester: Rebecca Sengers 
Commissaris intern/extern: Keira Zieboll 
Commissaris Wedstrijd: Charlotte Jansen

Bestuur 2 

Bestuursjaar: 2019-2020

Voorzitter: Marieke Leijten
Secretaris: Isabeau Welmer 
Penningmeester: Charlotte Smith 
Commissaris intern: Jonelle Marasigan
Commissaris PR: Jaana Kaismo  

Bestuur 1
Bestuursjaren: 2017-2019 

Voorzitter: Jaana Kaismo 
Secretaris: Kimberley Thomas 
Penningmeester: Noémie Monteiro